Well Spanked Bot

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Our new toy

Today we bought this new studded paddle.

He's really excited about it, and can't wait for the thing to be delivered.

Me, well, although it may have seemed like a good idea at the time, now I'm not so sure.

It looks really stingy!!

Does anybody else use one like this?
If you have any stories on what this implement is like I'd be very interested to hear them.

It should be delivered within the next few days, and I have been assured that we will be trying it out pretty much straight away.
I'll let you know what it's like - if I can sit still long enough to write a post!

I'd also like to say a big 'Thank You' to Bonnie for mentioning my Blog in a recent post of hers.
I've read the Blogging Smarts tips and More Blogging Smarts tips that she has written and there is some really good advice there for people like me who are just starting to Blog.

Thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Pleasure, pain or both?

One of the things he finds most difficult to understand is how, on some occasions, he can spank me until I am bruised, sore and sobbing, yet at other times I can't take more than a half dozen swats with a paddle before I am leaping around screaming.

We talked about this today and I said I would do my best to explain it from my side.

To me, it is all about the situation.

Our spanking sessions take on a variety of different forms.
I'll try to explain each one and describe how they make me feel - I apologise as this is likely to be a long post, but I really need him to understand that he isn't really hurting me.

Firstly, there are the spontaneous or punishment spankings.
The ones where, without warning, he will drag me down over his knee, pull down my jeans and panties and adminster a few short, sharp slaps. These are generally the ones that have me squirming on his knee, shrieking and trying to get away.
Because I am not expecting them, I am not ready. Either physically or mentally.
They hurt!

Secondly, we have the 'weeklys'.
These spankings take place on a regular basis, usually on the same day, but never at the same time.
The reason for these spankings is that I need them - I need the stress relief, and I need a reminder of who is the Boss.
For the weekly spankings, there are a set amount of strokes to begin with.
During the week, I may say something or do something that warrants adding an extra few to the total, but hasn't been bad enough to warrant a punishment spanking.
It may be that I have made a flippant comment, or done something silly, such as say that he looks really funny as the wind has messed up his hair.
Whatever it is, I know I have done it as he will give me 'the look' and say the number of the count we are up to.
My immediate reaction is to turn beet red, put my head down and anticipate the next 'weekly'.
My weekly spanking always takes place on a Saturday. From the moment I wake up I am a bundle of nervous energy as I know it could happen at any time.
Sometimes, just for his own amusement, he will tell me on a friday that for this weekly, I have to ask for it.
This means I have to decide when I am ready, and when I am I have to ask him nicely if he will please spank me.
If he says yes, then I have to remove my jeans and panties, place myself over his knee, and hand him the implement I have chosen.
I like my weekly spanking.
I like the anticipation and the build up and I like the feeling of relief I get when that warm glow begins to spread.
He likes to take his time with the weekly and he will often stroke my hot bot inbetween strokes and then apply lotion when he is finished.
Most times, the weekly spanking feels more like an act of love than one of punishment.

The third type of spanking we have is the one he seems to have the most concern about.
This is what I call the erotic spankings, where sessions can last for hours at a time and usually involve role play and the normally dreaded cane. It was an erotic session that led to the bruises shown on my picture.
These sessions take place on a date and time which is mutually agreed. We usually talk it over and plan it days in advance so we both experience an intense sense of anticipation.
By the time the session is about to begin, we are both incredibly turned on and it can have me physically shaking with need. The very touch of him feels like it is setting my skin on fire.
The only way I can describe how I feel at that point is that it's like some of my senses become dulled and others become extremely heightened.
I can no longer think, see or hear, all I can do is feel.
I'm almost in a trance like state as my body softens and yields to him.
The sharp sting, followed by the waves of pain make me feel like I'm riding a rollercoaster. Just as I'm coming down the other side I hear the swoosh of the cane and the ride starts all over again.
As he gets into a rhythm I can feel my body responding and riding the waves in time with it - it's almost like being on the brink of climax.
For those sessions, I seem to have a higher pain threshold and can tolerate more swats - sometimes it's like I just don't want the feeling to end.

At the end of these sessions I am usually left with an angry red, very sore bot, but they have also enabled me to experience the most intense and satisfying orgasms of my life!

I hope that by reading this he has a better understanding of how I feel.

I'd appreciate it if anybody else reading this could comment on whether it is the same for them - I'd be interested to find out.

My first public mistake

As I mentioned in my last posting, I am quite new to all this blogging thing, so it's taking me a while to get used to it.

I thought I had done really well in putting my first message up and also being able to include links to other blogs.

So I told him I had done it and he came to have a look.

Imagine my shock/horror/excitement/anticipation when all he did was leave me the following note:

'The link to Bethie's blog does not work.
Neither does the one to her husband's.

I'll add 6 for those little mistakes.

Pay attention to detail'

I have since fixed the links so that they work now, but I am still in trouble!

As it will be a punishment, rather than a normal weekly, it means that he gets to choose the implement and decide where and when the spanking takes place.

It could be any time, I just have to wait until he is ready.

It also means that it will likely be the bath brush or the cane as he knows they are my least favourite implements.

I can feel my bot stinging already!

Monday, June 19, 2006

My First Posting

After spending many months reading Bethie's blog,I have decided to start one of my own, so stick with me while I get used to blogging!

I was inspired to do this after reading about Bethie's experiences, from her point of view, and I want to be able to do the same.
The reason I want to do it is simple, I want my partner, the love of my life, to be able to understand this side of our relationship from my point of view.

We've been together for over five blissful years now, and although we have both had partners in the past, this is the first time that either of us has been in a relationship that has involved spanking and domination.

When we talk together, we both know that it is something we have both been curious about for as long as we can remember, but until we found each other, it was something that both of us felt unable to explore.

There are times when I think he worries that I only live this way to keep him happy, but I want to be able to reassure him that I get as much pleasure from it as he does.

Although I submit to him, I do it willingly, with both pride and pleasure.

I think that is shown by the title of this blog, and the photo that is used for my profile.
I wear his marks with pride, and even just looking at the pictures gets me tingling with excitement.

It wasn't until I showed him Bethie's blog that he truly appreciated that women can enjoy receiving a good spanking, as much as men like administering a good spanking!

Since finding Bethie's blog, and her husband's Spanking Blog, we have come across so many similar blogs and websites with people who are essentially the same as us.
It has really opened our eyes and made us curious for more.
It may sound like a cliche, but we never realised just how many people there were out there with the same desires as us!

We've also picked up quite a few hints and tips from others too, and have been given a lot of ideas that we just can't wait to try out.

My favourite example of this is that a visit to the local shopping centre has brought on a whole new element of fun.
At one time, we would never have gone shopping together, it was his idea of extreme torture.
Now, we scan the aisles together, looking for a new 'toy' that we can use, and I have to admit, although the shopping and anticipation side of it is fun, I now hate bath brushes as much as Bethie does!

We do have one toy that we found that I do actually quite like, and it has become my implement of choice.
I'll get a picture up of it soon so you can see it for yourself.

Until then, although it has taken me a while to make this first post, I have been keeping a diary so I will be sharing some stories over the next few days.

I want to be able to explain to my love how I feel about our relationship and my "weekly's"
I want him to know that I love him more than anything else in this world, and that to me, this relationship is beyond what I would call happiness.

I want him to understand that by the nature of the relationship we share, it shows a deep and profound trust and understanding of each others needs.

I love him and I devote my heart and soul to him.

To be dominated by him means I lay myself naked and vulnerable at his feet, to do with as he desires.

There is nowhere else I would rather be.