Well Spanked Bot

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The surprise package....

As He said, I really am in need of a good spanking - I can assure you of that!

This last week or so has been incredibly difficult.
I've been bratting more than usual, partly through frustration and partly because I am not being given enough reminders about why bratting is bad.

We've managed to clear our schedules for this weekend and have set aside some quality time, away from friends and family where we can be together and get down to some serious playtime.

I really can't wait!

I'm going to be on the road again until the weekend, but hopefully I will be able to keep the anticipation bubbling until then.

Of course, I may have helped matters along as I have posted Him a package, which should arrive in the morning. (I can tell you this now as I know he won't be reading this until tomorrow night!)

I've been led to believe that a man receiving a package full of his girlfriend's worn panties is an amazing aphrodisiac.



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